NEW: Implemented a new dynamic include to allow browse by multiple dependent
drop downs: category type, category, and sub category. When a category type
is selected, the category drop down is polulated dynamically, and when the
category is selected, the sub category drop down is populated. Once all non-empty
drop downs are selected, the "Search" button is enabled, so the user can click
on it and the system will forward him to the target web page.
Show 3 drop downs with category types, categories, and sub categories.
Show 3 drop downs with category types, categories, and sub categories.
There will be 2 category types included, with id 1 and 7. Labels will
be shown for each drop down and the search button text is specified.
DYNAMIC_INCLUDE(SELECT_CATEGORIES, uniqueName=allCategoryLevels, targetScopeIds=1|7, selectLabels=1.|2.|3., searchButton=Find My Supplies)
Show 3 drop downs with category types, categories, and sub categories.
There will be 3 category types included, with id 1, 7, and 8. The
default choices in the drop downs are specified.
DYNAMIC_INCLUDE(SELECT_CATEGORIES, uniqueName=allCategoryLevels2, targetScopeIds=1|7|8, defaultOptions=Choose Category Type|Choose Category|Choose SubCategory)
Show 2 drop downs with category types and categories. There will be 3
category types included, with id 1, 7, and 8. The default choices in
the drop downs are specified.
DYNAMIC_INCLUDE(SELECT_CATEGORIES, uniqueName=noSubCategories, targetScopeIds=1|7|8, defaultOptions=Choose Category Type|Choose Category)
Show 4 drop downs with category types, categories, sub categories, and filters.
Applied styles for the dynamic includes above:
.selectCategoriesContainer { padding: 10px; width: 200px; text-align: center; }
.selectCategoriesContainer select { width: 150px; }
.selectCategoriesContainer .selectCategoryEntityContent { padding-bottom: 3px; }
.selectCategoriesContainer .searchCategoryContent { padding-top: 3px; }
.selectCategoriesContainer .searchButton { background-color: #FFFFFF; }
NEW: Implemented a new dynamic include to allow browse by a sinlge drop down
that can include different levels of the category structure of the store.
DYNAMIC_INCLUDE(SELECT_CATEGORY, defaultOption=Choose Category)
DYNAMIC_INCLUDE(SELECT_CATEGORY, showLevel=category|subCategory, clickable=subCategory)
DYNAMIC_INCLUDE(SELECT_CATEGORY, targetScopeId=1, showLevel=category|subCategory, clickable=subCategory)